With some fishes the young and adults look very different. Here are some examples. French Angelfish french angelfish, young french angelfish, intermediate french angelfish, intermediate french angelfish, intermediate french angelfish Queen Angelfish queen angelfish, young queen angelfish Spotted drum spotted drum, young spotted drum-young spotted drum-ini spotted drum, intermediate spotted drum-ini spotted drum spotted drum blackbar soldierfish and spotted drum Damselfishes yellowtail damselfish and french angelfish, young yellowtail damselfish yellowtail damselfish threespot damselfish, young threespot damselfish Parrotfishes striped (initial) en stoplight (young) parrotfish stoplight parrotfish, initial stoplight parrotfish redband parrotfish, initial redband parrotfish queen parrotfish, initial queen parrotfish princess parrotfish, initial princess parrotfish Wrasses yellowhead wrasse, young yellowhead wrasse, initial yellowhead wrasse, initial yellowhead wrasse bluehead, young and initial bluehead, young and adult spanish hogfish spanish hogfish-juv