I’m going to take you on a tour of the island. We start at Cliff, a dive site at the north of Kralendijk. Then follow the coast to Karpata and the north of the island. We don’t go to Gotomeer and Washington-Slagbaai NP, they have their own page. We go to the top of Seru Largu to have a panorama view of the island. Next is Lac Bay with it’s mangrove woods, birth place/sanctuary of many fish, lots of birds and the windsurfers. After passing Willemstoren we’ll see the salt flats and many dive sites.
clifol blueol bluecaves, natural areacaves, natural areacaves, natural areacactusplantson the roadkarpatabopectreegrandigrandiboca onimaboca onima, wind millsdonkeys & windmillsonima, indian inscriptionsonima, indian inscriptionsonima, rocksagavecactuscactusnorth sidenorth coastcar sailingseru largutree at seru largutree at seru larguview from seru largu, klein bonaireview from seru largu, kralendijkview from seru largu to the northlac cailac cailac cai, queen conch shellslac1983, lac before the wind surferslaccamera crew at laclac, wind surfingwillemstorensedum at Willemstorenold ship wreck (1986)small ship wreck at Willemstoren near willemstoren slave huts, red slavemargate baykite surfingobelisk at pink beachslave huts, white slavealice in wonderlandsalt flatssalt flats, flamingos