On my first trip to Bonaire I had a small underwater pocket camera. Only suitable for snorkeling. Then I bought a Sea and Sea MM1 with an external flashlight and made many slides. I’ve scanned them all, took me hours and hours. After 20 years the Sea and Sea was at its end. The re winder didn’t work anymore. I had to sit in a dark room to rewind the film. Time to buy a digital camera. In 2004 the Konica Minolta dimage was a good choice. It needs a housing and a new flash light. It’s not so robust as the Sea and Sea was. I’ve drowned 2 camera’s, one is out of focus, can’t open the accu access of the flashlight anymore. Bought a new o-ring for the housing. No, the quality is not as it used to be. But it still works. The last couple visits I don’t use the flashlight anymore. I miss the colors, but the camera fits in my BC pocket. I don’t scare the fish away and can get closer to them. But I don’t have to get too close, without the flash I don’t have to. The other advantage of this camera is the movie mode. I love making movies. A lot of fish are easier to film than to photograph.
I’ve made a lot of slide-movies and some books. But nobody sees them but me, my family and some friends. So, I decided to share some of them with the rest of the world. I´m not the only one who does that. I´m not a top photographer. Not all the pictures are perfect. But they are my memories of the fantastic times on Bonaire. I hope you will enjoy them too. The movies are on Youtube.